Max Studer

Max Studer

Nationality: Swiss
Birthday: 16 Jan 1996
Disciplines: Triathlon
Hometown: Kestenholz, Sui

Our evil eye athlete Max Studer comes from Switzerland and is a professional triathlete. He started with football and athletics, until he finally came to a triathlon club through contacts. At the age of ten, Max successfully completed his first triathlon and discovered his great love for this sport. "Training three sports (swimming, cycling and running) is a challenge, but the variety and versatility is what makes triathlon so fascinating for me," Max tells us in the interview.

For the future development of his sport, he wishes that the sport of triathlon continues to develop positively and that the upward trend and popularity of the sport continues. "Professional athletes, amateurs and newcomers should continue to be motivated and enjoy achieving their personal and sporting goals in triathlon."

Max wants to reach the top of the international triathlon world as soon as possible. "I have my sights set on the Olympic Games in Paris and a medal there would be a dream I'm working hard for."
In training, our Swiss athlete relies on the optically glazed sports glasses from evil eye and can thus do without contact lenses altogether during running and cycling training and still see optimally.

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