Helena Schweidler


Nationalité: German
Anniversaire: 07 Oct 1997
Disciplines: Trail Running
Ville d'origine: Ruhpolding
Emplacement préféré: Chiemgauer and Berchtesgadener Alps

Born and raised in the Chiemgau Alps, trail runner Helena Schweidler spent a great deal of time there. The beauty of the mountains and the enthusiasm for nature was passed on to her by her parents, who are both passionate mountaineers. "The older and more experienced you get, the higher mountains you want to climb and broaden your horizons. At some point I realised that I had a strong set of legs, especially when running downhill, and that I had what it took to compete professionally," Helena enthuses.

The special thing about trail running, according to Helena, is the versatility of the sport. You get to places that are not accessible by car or bike or even cable car. For the future development of the sport, she would like to see more equality between men's and women's competitions, support and investment.

Needing optical glasses, Helena relies on optically glazed sports eyewear from evil eye. Her ideal optical solution is the evil eye adapter glazing for her favourite model, the vistair-x.


Helena's favourite product


221,09 CHF

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