Finn Hösch

Finn Hösch

Nationality: German
Birthday: 21 Jan 2003
Disciplines: Ski Mountaineering
Hometown: Munich
Favorite location: In and around Tölz

At just 19 years of age, World Cup newcomer in ski mountaineering Finn Hösch, can already count several wins as part of his fresh career. At his season’s best in 2021, he secured bronze in his age group in the sprint at the World Championships in Andorra. Every summer, the ski mountaineerer, who trains for the DAV Bergland Munich, prepares for the season with a lot of running training. Running is one of Finn's favorite sports and, in his opinion, the optimal alternative when there is still too little snow on the mountain.

One of his biggest dreams is to be part of the 2026 Olympic Games, where ski mountaineering will be represented as an Olympic discipline for the very first time.


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