

Nationalité: German
Disciplines: Beach Volleyball
Ville d'origine: Hamburg

The newly formed German national beach volleyball team are made up of players Nils Ehlers and Clemens Wickler. Clemens, who was already an evil eye athlete, hopes for many more successes at upcoming tournaments with his new partner on the court, Nils. The two started off their team career at the Beach Volleyball European Championships in Rome.

In order to function well as a team, they need to have common goals, a 100% willingness to perform. In their free time, the guys often have exciting Mario Kart duels and can have fun off the court as well.

What makes beach volleyball so special in the eyes of the boys is the fact that maximum individual responsibility counts, and it is still a sports team.
For the future development of their sport, the two would like to see more media presence and more international tournaments in Germany.
Nils' and Clemens' big goal is a medal at the next Olympic Games in Paris in 2024.


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