Jan Schiebl

Jan Schiebl

Nazionalità: Austriaco
Data di nascita: 26 Aug 2000
Discipline: Triathlon
Luogo di nascita: Lengenfeld/Klosterneuburg

Jan Schiebl completed his first triathlon at the age of 9. Initially driven by the enjoyment of the competitions, Jan's passion grew over time as he recognized his potential in this sport. In addition to his athletic pursuits, he is pursuing a degree in physical education and history to establish a second foundation.

What makes triathlon special for Jan is that even as a newcomer, success can be achieved through hard work. He appreciates the diverse nature of the sport, as it essentially combines three disciplines.

Looking towards the future development of his sport, Jan hopes for further professionalization to make it easier for young people to pursue it as a livelihood. Jan's ultimate dream is to participate as a professional in the Olympic Games or the Ironman World Championship in Hawaii.


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