Julia Mayer


Nazionalità: Austriaco
Data di nascita: 20 Gennaio 1993
Discipline: Running
Luogo di nascita: Bad Fischau- Brunn / Austria

Our evil eye athlete Julia Mayer is a professional runner at the Army Sports Centre. Julia played football for a total of 16 years until she decided to switch to athletics 5 years ago. Now she is the footballer who breaks athletics records. Already in her first year she won her first state championship title. Many more successes followed, including 3 Austrian records and many more state championship titles. When it comes to running, Julia is fascinated above all by the constant development she experiences.

She prefers to train in Vienna at the Prater Hauptalle or in Ramsau am Dachstein, where she can also work on her endurance in altitude training and enjoy the fresh mountain air. For the future development of her sport, Julia would like to see more media attention, as the sport of athletics does not have the same status in Austria as, for example, football, skiing or tennis.

Her biggest dream on a sporting level is to improve and train hard until she has reached her absolute limit. We wish Julia that she can continue to pursue her dreams with so much ambition and win many more titles.

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