
Nazionalità: Austriaco
Discipline: Beach Volleyball
Luogo di nascita: Salisburgo
Luogo preferito: Tenerife

Laurenz Leitner and Paul Pascariuc, the talented beach volleyball duo from Austria, have been a dynamic team since 2022. They prefer training in the serene setting of the Canary Island of Tenerife. Their successes include winning a gold and a bronze medal in the FIVB World Tour Future tournaments.

According to the duo, effective communication and trust are vital for their teamwork. They appreciate the unique aspects of beach volleyball, where every rally is different, and each team has its own style of play. They also enjoy the opportunity to travel and compete in beautiful locations worldwide.

In terms of the sport's future, they hope for better marketing efforts to promote its growth. Their ultimate dream is to compete in the 2028 Olympic Games in Los Angeles. Pix © Rainer Mirau/ Gert Nepel


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