Sergio Garrote


Nationality: Spanish
Birthday: 27 Jul 1979
Disciplines: Cycling
Hometown: Barcelona
Favorite location: Ordal Mountains near Barcelona

At 22, Spanish hand biker Sergio Garrote faced a life-altering quadriplegic spinal cord injury from a work accident. Despite studying Medicine and Criminology, he found his true passion in cycling, which transformed his life.

Now a key figure in the Spanish Paralympic cycling team, Sergio has earned over 90 national and international medals, including Gold and Bronze at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and the 2022 and 2023 World Champion Titles.

Cycling initially began for Sergio as a pursuit of a healthy lifestyle, but competition revealed his deep passion for the sport. He believes cycling instills valuable qualities like sacrifice, self-improvement, camaraderie, and gratitude. Sergio wishes for increased visibility of handcycling in the media and encourages its practice by a broader audience, not limited to those with disabilities.
His ultimate aspiration is to leave a lasting legacy and serve as a role model for future athletes, regardless of ability.


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