David Bacci


Nationality: Italian
Birthday: 07 Jan 1985
Disciplines: Mountain , Outdoor
Hometown: Champoluc, Valle D'aosta
Favorite location: Mont Blanc

Dutch-born David Bacci is a mountaineer and mountain guide. When he was still a child, David moved to Italy, where he immediately fell in love with the mountains and was able to turn his great passion into a profession, training as a mountain guide in 2020. David's favourite place to train is Mont Blanc, which he considers one of the most impressive places on the planet.

Along the way, he was lucky enough to meet many friends who were passionate mountaineers. They wanted to share this wonderful activity with him and often took him up the mountain.
The special thing about the sport, according to David, is the close contact with nature and the possibility to travel to parts of the world to find hidden corners of the planet where nature still has the upper hand.

For the future, he wishes for a more sustainable practice in harmony with the environment, because he wants to continue living his dream and keep discovering new and untouched places.

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