Nadine Horchler


Nationality: German
Birthday: 21 Jun 1986
Disciplines: Biathlon
Hometown: Mittenwald

The former German biathlete and evil eye athlete Nadine Horchler is currently devoting herself to her master's degree in psychology. Nevertheless, she still enjoys recreational sports to the fullest and is out and about in nature almost every day for sporting activities.

Nadine started cross-country skiing at the age of eight and took part in her first biathlon competitions at twelve. "I was a very good cross-country skier and shooting worked very well from the beginning, the combination of endurance and precision quickly excited me, but most of all the connection with nature at any time of the year."

According to Nadine, the special thing about her sport is the mixture of endurance sport and precision in shooting, where you must be at the highest level both physically and mentally. For the future development of her sport, Nadine's main wish is that there continues to be natural snow for winter sports.
Her biggest professional dream is to be able to pass on her experience from 14 years of professional sport in combination with her psychology studies to others, both in sport and in other areas.


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