Clean Sailors Youth Racing Team

Racing Team

Disciplines: Sailing

The Clean Sailors Youth Racing Team are the first and only international team participating in the 69F Youth Foiling Gold Cup where the best sailors under 25 compete. The Team stands for the next generation of sailing - diverse, top of the game, and ocean-minded.
The team’s biggest sailing achievement is the 1st Place at the Bacardi invitational regatta 2022 in Miami. According to the team partners, a functioning team requires precise communication, especially at the speeds they are going. Other important factors are: trusting in each other’s decisions and skills.

What the Clean Sailors Team find so special about their discipline is that it’s such a complex sport. “Many different aspects like tactic and strategy, wind and weather, boat tuning and trimming play an essential role if you want to win. Once you’ve mastered them, the feeling of flying over the water powered solely by the wind is amazing”, they tell us in the interview.

With their idea of a clean sailing team they would like to push the whole industry towards a more sustainable standard: clean sailing! Furthermore, they are competing as a mixed team for a reason. Their sport is on the right path towards more inclusivity and they want to be part of this movement and push it even further.
The Clean Sailors Youth Racing Teams biggest dream is to win the 69F Youth Foiling Gold Cup.

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