Jan Diener

Nationalité: German
Anniversaire: 29 Sept 2002
Disciplines: Triathlon

Jan's interest in triathlon blossomed at the age of 10 through his involvement in running. He initially joined the triathlon club primarily for the running training, but he soon embraced swimming and cycling as well. At 15, Jan relocated to the Olympic training center in Freiburg, where he collaborates with the Baden-Württemberg triathlon squad.

Jan finds the distinctive aspect of triathlon lies in the natural fusion of three sports. Moreover, despite being an individual sport, triathlon entails training predominantly within a group setting. Jan emphasizes the exceptional sense of unity within the triathlon community.

Jan advocates for increased media attention to foster the future growth of his sport. Triathlon entails considerable expenses, posing challenges, particularly for young athletes in financing competition trips, training camps, and acquiring necessary equipment. Amplified media coverage could raise awareness about the sport and attract sponsors.


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