Leonie Daubermann


Nationalité: German
Anniversaire: 23 Sep 1999
Disciplines: Cycling , Mtb
Ville d'origine: Augsburg

Leonie Daubermann is the reigning German champion in the elite category in cross-country. Leonine already started competing in the underage bike races from a very young age. Her love of cycling was passed on to her through her family. Especially through her mother, who used to race marathons, and who is to this day still her role model. Since 2018, Leonie has been part of the Bavarian police's top sports promotion team and has turned her hobby into her profession.

The special thing about cross country, according to Leonie, is that it is a very varied sport. "Every course is different and challenges the complete athlete. After the physically demanding uphills, there are technically challenging downhills," Leonie tells us. When not competing in XC MTB races, Leonie enjoys ski touring in the mountains and spending time with friends playing volleyball.

For the future development of her sport, Leonie would like to see a growing media presence to inspire as many people as possible to get on their bikes and enjoy nature.

From a sporting point of view, her biggest dream is to be able to take part in the 2024 Olympic Games.


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