HOBIJ Vittoria
Development Team

Nationalité: Dutch
Disciplines: Mtb
Ville d'origine: Veghel

The HOBIJ Vittoria Development Team, established in 2017 and based in the Netherlands with its headquarters in Veghel, is dedicated to the development of mountain biking. Serving as a training platform for individuals aged 15 to 23, the team aims to cultivate athletes capable of competing on the international stage.

Noteworthy accomplishments of the team include clinching the European Championship in 2021 and attaining five national titles in the Netherlands. Additionally, the team has identified and nurtured two Dutch talents, namely Fem Van Empel, who went on to become the World Champion, and Lauren Molengraaf, who achieved the status of European Champion.

The team places great importance on effective teamwork, recognizing its pivotal role in achieving success. Despite the relatively modest popularity of mountain biking in the Netherlands, the team is committed to promoting the sport at the national level and fostering the development of young talent. One of the primary challenges faced is navigating the complexities of international technical courses, which can pose a significant hurdle for emerging talents.
The ultimate aspiration of the team is to participate in the World Cup.


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